Founders Biography

Then 2009

Now In 2024
Greetings in the name and love of Jesus Christ. My name is William (Bill) Ricks, an Evangelist who is the founder of this ministry called Whirlwind Healing Ministry at This is a ministry that God directed me to form in 2009 for the use of God’s Divine Healing for the body of Christ.
God has been training me for years by giving me great revelations of His Word. He has also used great people of God to train me like Kenneth Copeland at Kenneth is an international teacher of the Word of God. This man understands the truth of the Bible more than most ministers ever have. I learned from such a man named Bob Larson at, which is an awesome man of God that is known internationally to be the most used and renowned Exorcist in the world today. I've learned many things from Bob Larson and I use many of his techniques during some deliverance’s of demonic spirits. I studied and learned many great techniques from the books and writings of the late John G. Lake over the years. You can find his ministry at John had great results when he was alive everywhere he went. I also studied the ways of the late Smith Wigglesworth at, and I have also learned many things from his books. Smith had great results when he was alive everywhere he went. Christians always asked Smith why he was such a hard man and was so forceful to people and he often replied that he fights the devil everywhere he goes and even slaps satan himself around and he can’t help it if humans get in the way sometimes. I cannot say that any better myself. Last but not least is Andrew Wommack at Andrew is an international teacher of the Word of God. This man understands the truth of the Bible more than anyone that I have ever met or studied under. Andrew’s teachings allowed all of the gifts of the Spirit in me to come alive and work just like God says they will for those who will believe. His Charis Bible College is second to none and they are located in several large cities in the United States and around the world. You can even take some of these courses on line today. Andrew has great results everywhere he goes and is persecuted by Christians and the world everyday.
What all of these great Ministers of God have in common is that they all have had great results in their work for God. They've all had great results everywhere they have gone and are persecuted by Christians and the world everyday. They all have had great signs and wonders following them wherever they have traveled as stated in Mark 16:17-18. I urge you to visit all of these ministries on line and learn as much as you can from these great Ministers of the Word of God.
These signs and wonders have followed me for many years now as I have been using these “Gifts of The Spirit” since then and I am still growing with them. Christians and the world also persecute me everyday. I am not perfect and I never will be. I am still learning everyday and I have left the place where I use to be-Praise God!
I have been involved in ministry since the early 1990’s. My first ministry was music ministry. I have been a musician for most of my life and my first Ministry was playing music and singing in prisons or churches. This only lasted for a few years. After a short time in ministry, I realized that if God learns that you are in position to serve Him, then He will place you into any ministry, at any time. As you grow in the word of God He will use you and place you in as many ministries as you will allow Him to do. This is the person that He is looking for. The person that has completely surrendered to God is the person that He will use. It’s just a matter of His timing.
God soon closed the doors on the music ministry and placed me running sound for a Church in Texas. I had been around sound equipment most of my adult life and had a fairly good understanding of electronic sound equipment. So God made this an easy transition for me. God is always faithful to give you all of the tools and instructions that you need while working for Him. Praise God! The person that I had replaced became a Minister himself and had been waiting for his replacement so he could follow God’s calling. God sent me to run the sound and music at that church and I worked and worshiped there for six years until God called me to move the East Tennessee in October 2006. God told me to move here from Texas and help my elderly mother that moved here from Southeast Texas just six months before me. God also told me that He would direct me to the ministries that He had planned for me.
In early 2008 I was asked to join a newly forming ministry called Healing Waters Ministry, here in East Tennessee. This was a healing ministry that also was given the chance to have a radio ministry in the area. They needed a sound man and someone to record their digital teachings for broadcast every week. All of this came together very quickly; so again I knew that God’s hand was in this. I had been working with the gifts of the Spirit for several years and they seemed to all come together much stronger in this Ministry as we went out and prayed for people in different churches and communities with boldness and had great results. People were being healed and delivered as signs and wonders were following us everywhere that we visited. We learned several things from each other and then God asked me to form this current ministry called Whirlwind Healing Ministry, that I have been a part of since 2009 at
I have taught the word of God in various churches and events here in Tennessee and some of the surrounding states. Many people also learn from this website from many regions around the world. I have taught and prayed with many around the world by YouTube, Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp and phone service. I receive many emails from people that are having great results. I teach Apostle training, healing and deliverance to Ministers and to all that are sent and called. I always expect and see signs & wonders with deliverance, healings and miracles everywhere that I go each and every day.
I believe in the Trinity; The Father, The Son & The Holy Ghost. I believe that God has already provided everything to us through the atonement of Jesus Christ. We just have to learn how to receive all that God has for us. That God wants us to be in health and to prosper in all things. 3 John 1:2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. I believe that the Bible is the Word of God and that all Christians have been given all of the “Gifts of The Spirit”, having the power of God working in and through them just as He says in Ephesians 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. Also in Ephesians 3:20 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. Praise God! It's all about Jesus Christ!
William (Bill) Ricks
Prayer and deliverance is available to you through this ministry in various ways.
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